ERP Software for Metal Manufacturing Industry, Contract Manufacturing, Job Shop and OEM
The Client: Trak Machinery LLC, TX USA
Business need: Metal manufacturing industry rely heavily on accurate data capture to calculate cost of business. The cost includes labor cost and machine cost and inventory cost. There are huge category of inventory and each inventory has different dimension which drives the cost calculation. Any mistake for cost calculation ether loss in business or over pricing in the quotation. Also there was a need for integrated ERP application which is seamlessly integrated with employee, vendor management, customer management, cost calculator, machine operation, operation station, Vendor RFQ, Customer Quote, Order, Accounting, file management etc. This application initially has been designed for both Contract manufacturing and OEM. Real time reliable detailed reporting for management and shop floor was another major business need of this project.
Snaps Solution & Customer benefits:
- Different application calculator does all the calculation and make things easy for user.
- Cost calculation is very accurate before making a quote. It helps to close the deal with right margin.
- Standardize business process.
- Configurable as per user roles.
- Integrated document management system helps business to keep the document centrally which are related to the project.
- Easy conversion from Quote to Order to Job to Routing and Vendor RFQ. System is highly integrated.
- Extensive reporting will help user to take easy decision.
- It deals with multiple currencies.
- Highly compatible with the different languages.
Top Challenges:
Tools and Technology used: